Reasons for poor temperature resistance of plating solution in the production process of using alkaline zinc plating brightener

Reasons for poor temperature resistance of plating solution in the production process of using alkaline zinc plating brightener

Tue Aug 09 08:54:24 CST 2022

    Some customers reported that when the temperature is higher, the bath temperature will be higher. At this time, the workpiece zinc coating will appear white and not bright, and the amount of alkaline zinc plating brightener used will be relatively large. What is the reason for this?

    Based on the field experience and the characteristics of alkaline zinc plating brightener BZ-515 produced by Bigolly technology, the main reasons for this phenomenon are the poor temperature resistance of the plating solution, and the main reasons for the poor temperature resistance of the plating solution are as follows:

    1. The temperature resistance of alkaline zinc plating brightener is poor. Some brighteners with low price and poor performance on the market have poor temperature resistance. Generally, when the bath temperature is higher than 28 ℃, the zinc coating on the workpiece will turn white. Therefore, we should choose the brightener with good temperature resistance, such as the BZ-515 from Bigolly, which can improve the electroplating conditions. When the bath temperature is between 28 ℃ and 35 ℃, the workpiece coating can still maintain the mirror brightness level, which can effectively avoid the phenomenon that the coating is not bright due to the high bath temperature.

    2. Poor conductivity. Due to the poor conductivity of the contact point of the conductive copper rod or hanger, the resistance of the plating solution will increase, resulting in the increase of the temperature of the plating solution, so that the brightness of the zinc coating on the workpiece will decrease significantly. Therefore, we should regularly check and adjust the conductive equipment in the production process to ensure that the conductive copper rod and hanger contact point has good conductivity.

    3. The volume of the bath is too small. Some customers' bath volume is too small, and the surface area of the workpiece to be plated is large. Because of the high loading of the bath, the temperature of the bath will rise, and the brightness of the zinc coating on the workpiece will be significantly worse. Therefore, we should appropriately increase the volume of the bath or set up a suitable area of the workpiece to be plated according to the volume of the bath in production, so as to avoid the phenomenon of poor coating of the workpiece due to excessive transfer of the bath.

    Therefore, we should pay attention to the above three points in the production process of alkaline zinc plating brightener to ensure that the temperature resistance of the bath is good and avoid the white and dull zinc coating caused by the high temperature of the bath. If you are interested in alkaline zinc brightener, you can contact customer service of Bigolly for free samples and detailed technical information!