Why the chromium plating process has a slow deposition rate?

Why the chromium plating process has a slow deposition rate?

Thu Jun 13 08:58:13 CST 2024

The slow deposition rate of the chromium electroplating process can be specifically analyzed from the following electrochemical and process parameter perspectives:

1. Low current efficiency: In chromium plating, the current efficiency of the cathode is low, typically only 10 to 25 percent. This means that the vast majority of the current passing through the solution is not actually used to reduce the chromium ions to produce the coating, but is involved in other side reactions, such as the electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen.

2. Diffusion rate of chromium ions: The diffusion rate of chromate ions in plating solutions is lower than the diffusion rate of metal ions in plating solutions for other metals. A low diffusion rate limits the rate of supply of chromium ions to the cathode surface, resulting in a lower rate of deposition of the plated layer.

3. Irreversible electrode processes: The reactions of the chromium electroplating process are irreversible processes in electrochemistry, and their potential overshoots are usually large, which makes chromium electroplating require high overpotentials to realize the electrode reactions, thus further reducing the plating speed.

4. Electrolyte composition and pH: Chromium plating usually uses an electrolyte containing chromate and sulfuric acid with a low pH, which generates a large number of hydrogen ions on the surface of the cathode, which compete with the chromium ions for reduction, slowing down the rate of deposition of chromium ions.

5. Operating conditions: Chromium plating is generally performed at lower temperatures and higher voltages. In order to prevent overheating of the solution and to ensure plating specifications, the current density may be limited, in which case the plating rate will be slower.

6. Bath design and current distribution: In order to obtain a uniform quality coating, the design of the electroplating bath needs to take into account the current distribution, and inappropriate bath design or unoptimized current distribution can affect the deposition rate.

7. Workpiece hanging and stirring conditions: If the workpiece is not hung properly or the electrolyte is not stirred uniformly, it may result in low local current density, affecting the deposition speed and quality of the coating.

8. Influence of decorative chromium plating additives: The addition of Bigely decorative chromium plating additives to the bath improves the deposition rate of the plating solution.

In summary, the causes of slow deposition speed in the chromium electroplating process are manifold, involving the basic principles of electrochemistry, the composition of the plating solution and the process conditions. Correct process optimization and equipment design, and the use of Bigely decorative chromium additives can improve the plating speed to a certain extent.

If you have demand for decorative chromium additives, please feel free to contact us.