When using alkaline zinc plating brightener for production, what are the factors that affect the deposition rate of zinc coating on the workpiece?

When using alkaline zinc plating brightener for production, what are the factors that affect the deposition rate of zinc coating on the workpiece?

Fri Mar 10 08:50:08 CST 2023

    In the production process of using alkaline zinc plating brightener, sometimes the deposition rate of the zinc coating on the workpiece is relatively slow, which affects the production efficiency.So what factors will affect the deposition rate of the zinc coating on the workpiece?

    According to the site experience and the characteristics of the product alkaline zinc plating brightener BZ-515, Bigolly Technology analyzed the following 10 factors:

    1. The workpiece is not cleaned before plating.The residual oil stain or oxide film on the surface of the workpiece due to the incomplete oil removal or acid activation will affect the normal deposition of the zinc coating.

    2. Poor conductivity.Due to poor contact of conductive copper rod or hanger hook, most of the current is consumed on the wire, so the current distributed to the workpiece surface is too small and the deposition speed is slow.

    3. The carbon content of the workpiece is high.For example, when galvanizing high carbon steel, cast iron and other parts, the hydrogen precipitation potential will be reduced, and the hydrogen evolution on the surface of the workpiece will be accelerated, so the current efficiency of the workpiece is low and the deposition speed is slow.

    4. Workpieces are placed too closely.When galvanizing, due to the workpiece being placed too tightly on the hanger, part of the workpiece will be shielded and the coating will be too thin.

    5. The bath temperature is too low.When the bath temperature is too low, the upper limit of current density allowed by the bath decreases, the conductivity of the bath is also poor, and the deposition speed of the coating is slow.

    6. Zinc in the bath is low and alkali is high.When the zinc and alkali in the bath are out of balance and the zinc and alkali are low and high, the current efficiency of the bath is low and the deposition speed of the zinc coating is slow.

    7. The concentration of additives in the bath is low.For example, when the concentration of BZ-515A is low, the dispersion ability and deep plating ability of the plating solution are poor, and the coating will be thin locally.

    8. The current density is low.When the area of the workpiece is estimated insufficiently or the current value is low, the workpiece cannot obtain the normal current value, resulting in the slow deposition rate of the coating.

    9. The workpiece is hung improperly.When the distance between the workpiece and the anode plate is relatively long due to the improper suspension of the workpiece during the galvanizing process, the resistance of the plating solution is large, and the workpiece cannot obtain normal current, and the deposition speed is slow.

    10. The workpiece is excessively corroded.When the workpiece is excessively corroded during the acid activation process, the current efficiency is reduced due to the acceleration of hydrogen evolution on the workpiece surface during the galvanizing process, which will affect the deposition rate of the zinc coating.

    Therefore, in the production process of using alkaline zinc plating brightener, we should pay attention to the above 10 factors that will affect the deposition rate of zinc coating and reduce the occurrence of failures.If you are interested in alkaline zinc plating brightener, please contact Bigolly customer service for free samples and detailed technical information!

    If you want to know more about zinc plating, you can check "Electroplating encyclopedia".