When applying acid zinc plating brightener, the workpiece coating is prone to fogging, and these three points should be noted during the galvanizing process

When applying acid zinc plating brightener, the workpiece coating is prone to fogging, and these three points should be noted during the galvanizing process

Mon May 15 15:38:26 CST 2023

During the process of using acid zinc plating brightener, sometimes the galvanized layer of the workpiece is prone to fogging, ranging from mild whitening to severe white spots. Is this a problem that occurs during the zinc plating process?

Based on on-site experience and the characteristics of the acid zinc plating brightener BZ-528, Bigley Technology has analyzed it. This is mainly caused by improper maintenance of the plating solution, and the following three points should be noted:

1. The reason for acidic zinc plating brightener. Due to the strong dependence of the galvanizing process on brighteners, the amount of brightener used is relatively large. In the production process, if the performance of the brightener used is poor, or if the brightener is added too frequently, or if the brightener is used for a long time, it will form a lot of organic impurities in the plating solution, which is easy to cause fogging of the galvanized layer. Therefore, Bigley suggests that customers should regularly use activated carbon to treat the plating solution and reduce the impact of organic impurities.

2. Too few anode zinc plates in the plating bath or passivation and non conductivity of the zinc plates can also easily cause fogging of the coating. Therefore, during production, it is necessary to ensure that the area ratio of the anode plate to the cathode is around 1.5-2:1. In addition, it is necessary to regularly inspect the anode zinc plate and hanger to prevent passivation and ensure that the plating solution has good conductivity.

3. There are many metal impurities such as lead and copper in the plating solution. When the content of metal impurities such as lead and copper in the plating solution exceeds 5mg/L, it is also easy to cause fogging of the galvanized layer. In this case, low current electrolysis or zinc powder can be used to treat the plating solution, and after precipitation, the plating solution can be filtered to remove a large amount of metal impurities. It should be noted that the galvanized sheet used in the anode experiment should use either No. 0 or No. 1 zinc sheet. No. 2 zinc sheet has a high impurity content and cannot be used.

Therefore, in the process of using acid zinc plating brightener, the galvanized layer of the workpiece is prone to fogging. During the galvanizing process, attention should be paid to the above three points to reduce the occurrence of faults and improve production efficiency. If you are interested in acid zinc plating brighteners, please contact Bigley customer service for free samples and detailed technical information!

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