What should I do if there is too much monovalent copper in the plating solution during the production process of using acid copper brightener?

What should I do if there is too much monovalent copper in the plating solution during the production process of using acid copper brightener?

Thu May 25 16:07:50 CST 2023

We all know that in the production process of using acid copper brighteners, the presence of monovalent copper in the plating solution will affect the brightness of the coating and reduce the quality of the acid copper coating. So what should we do with the monovalent copper in the plating solution?

Bigley Technology conducted an analysis based on the characteristics of the product acid copper brightener Cu-510. Generally, the monovalent copper in the plating solution is generated due to the introduction of certain reducing agents, and sometimes the passivation of the copper anode can also produce monovalent copper. During the copper plating process, due to the preferential precipitation of monovalent copper over divalent copper, it is easy to cause rough and burrs in the acid copper coating, especially in the low current density area where the coating is dark and not bright, resulting in poor leveling performance. In addition, when there is an excess of chloride ions in the plating solution, monovalent copper will form cuprous chloride precipitates with chloride ions, making the plating solution turbid and unclear, seriously reducing the coating quality of the workpiece.

In order to remove the influence of monovalent copper in the plating solution, we can add 0.25ml/L of dilute hydrogen peroxide to the plating solution before work every day during production, and the plating solution should be continuously filtered. In addition, copper anodes should be regularly soaked in sulfuric acid before being placed in the plating bath to avoid passivation and the generation of monovalent copper. At the same time, it is necessary to control the chloride ions in the plating solution to ensure clarity and a fine and bright copper coating.

Therefore, in the production process of using acid copper brightener, we should try to avoid bringing monovalent copper into the plating solution and regularly perform impurity removal treatment to ensure the cleanliness of the plating solution and reduce the occurrence of faults. If you are interested in acid copper brightener, please contact Bigley customer service for free samples and detailed technical information!

If you want to learn more about copper plating, you can check out "Industry News".