The reason for the phenomenon of spots on the coating during the use of alkaline zinc nickel alloy additives

The reason for the phenomenon of spots on the coating during the use of alkaline zinc nickel alloy additives

Thu May 25 16:48:08 CST 2023

In the production process of using alkaline zinc nickel alloy additives, we sometimes find spots on the surface of the plating layer of the produced workpiece, which can seriously affect the appearance and performance quality of the workpiece. So what is the reason for this phenomenon?

Based on on-site experience and the characteristics of the alkaline zinc nickel alloy additive BZ-617, Bigley Technology has analyzed the following three main points:

1. Poor pre-treatment of the workpiece. Some workpieces still have oil stains on their surface after pre-treatment, oil removal, and cleaning, resulting in the formation of white spots on the surface after zinc nickel alloy electroplating. Therefore, during the production process, the concentration of the pre-treatment degreasing solution should be checked, and the degreasing powder should be supplemented in a timely manner. In addition, the cleaning water after degreasing should also be replaced in a timely manner to ensure the cleanliness of the workpiece surface.

2. Incomplete acid activation. Some workpieces have a lot of rust spots, oxide skin, or black film on the surface. When the concentration of the acid activation working solution is low or the treatment time is short, the surface of the workpieces will have spots on the surface of the galvanized nickel alloy due to incomplete acid activation. Therefore, in the production process, the concentration of the acid activation working solution should be adjusted in a timely manner, and the activation time of the workpiece should be controlled to ensure complete acid activation of the workpiece.

3. The water after zinc nickel alloy washing is not clean. Due to the absence of any visible light after the zinc nickel alloy is washed, the workpiece undergoes passivation treatment. When the water is not clean, there is still residual alkaline solution on the surface of the workpiece, which can easily cause spots during passivation. Therefore, during the production process, the cleaning water should be replaced in a timely manner to clean the plating solution on the surface of the workpiece.

Therefore, when using alkaline zinc nickel alloy additives, we should pay attention to the above three points when there are spots on the coating of the workpiece, promptly eliminate the fault, and reduce losses. If you are interested in alkaline zinc nickel alloy additives, please contact Bigley customer service for free samples and detailed technical information!

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