The Effect of Iron Ion on the Bath in the Production of Methanesulfonic Acid Tin Plating Additive

The Effect of Iron Ion on the Bath in the Production of Methanesulfonic Acid Tin Plating Additive

Wed Oct 26 09:51:00 CST 2022

    In the process of using the additive for methanesulfonic acid tin plating, the concentration of iron ions in the plating solution is constantly accumulating with the progress of production. What is the impact of iron ions on the methanesulfonic acid tin plating solution?

    Bigolly Technology has made an analysis based on the field experience and the characteristics of  the additive for methanesulfonic acid tin plating Sn-819,it mainly includes the following two points:

    1. Iron ions will make the bath turbid.Generally, the clarity of the bath will decrease with the increase of iron ion concentration.This is because Sn2+ and Fe3+ in the bath will react to form Sn4+ hydrolysates suspended in the bath.

    2. The effect of iron ion on the oxidation hydrolysis rate of Sn2+ in the bath.Fe3+ cannot coexist with Sn2+ . Fe3+ will directly oxidize Sn2+ to form tin mud, which will make the bath turbid.In this way, the corrosion resistance, weldability and brightness of the workpiece coating will be reduced, and the coating is also prone to pinholes and roughness.

    In the process of production, we should take necessary measures to reduce the interference of iron ions and ensure the quality of tin coating.Generally, electrolytic method, precipitation method, redox method, ion exchange resin method and selective adsorption method can be used to treat iron impurities in the plating solution.

   Therefore, when we use the additive of methanesulfonic acid tin plating, we should regularly remove the iron impurities in the bath to ensure the stability of the bath performance and reduce the occurrence of failures.If you are interested in the additive of methanesulfonic acid tin plating, please contact the Bigolly customer service for free samples and detailed technical information!

    If you want to know more about tin plating, you can click to view the "Electroplating encyclopedia".