Roughening additives: The key to enhancing the quality of plastic plating layers

Roughening additives: The key to enhancing the quality of plastic plating layers

Sat Jul 27 10:21:48 CST 2024

In the plastic plating process, the quality of the plating layer is very important, among which pinholes and pitting are common defects, which directly affect the appearance and service life of plastic products. To solve these problems, Bigely developed the roughening additive PL-2, which has shown good results in the application of plastic plating.

Principle of action of roughening additive PL-2

The roughening additive PL-2 is mainly used in the chemical roughening stage, which increases the surface area of the plastic by forming a microscopic roughening layer on the surface, thereby improving the adhesion of the coating. The roughening process is very important for the quality of electrodeposited coatings. The chemical composition of PL-2 can fully react with the plastic surface to form a uniform and dense coarser layer, which lays a good foundation for the subsequent electroplating process.

Effect of PL-2 on the performance of plating solution

PL-2 can effectively stabilize the bath performance during use. The stability of the plating solution will directly affect the quality of the coating. The active ingredients in PL-2 can be coordinated with other chemical components in the bath to avoid excessive oxidation and decomposition, thus maintaining the uniformity and stability of the bath. This effect directly prevents the uneven phenomenon of the coating during the formation process, and reduces the generation of pinholes and pitting.

Improve the binding force of the coating to avoid the defects of the coating

The binding force of electroplating is one of the key indexes of electroplating process. The chemical roughening process has a direct effect on the binding power. PL-2, through good roughening ability, can form a stronger binding force between the plastic surface and the metal coating, thereby greatly reducing the appearance of defects such as coating foaming and stripping.

Why choose Bigely roughening additive PL-2

Bigely roughening additive PL-2 has shown good performance in the field of plastic plating, and its chemical composition and stability give it a clear competitive advantage in the market. By optimizing the roughening effect of the plastic surface, stabilizing the performance of the plating solution and improving the adhesion of the coating, PL-2 has become a good choice to solve the problems of pinholes and pitting of the electroplating.

If you need roughening additives, please feel free to contact us.