During the application of zinc plating brightener, why does the plating time for barrel plating take much longer than for hanging plating?

During the application of zinc plating brightener, why does the plating time for barrel plating take much longer than for hanging plating?

Mon Mar 20 15:33:18 CST 2023

Many customers will encounter a situation where using the same zinc plating brightener to prepare a zinc plating solution, the workpiece will have a plating thickness of more than ten minutes, while barrel plating will take dozens of minutes or more. Why?

Based on on-site experience and the characteristics of the brightener for electrogalvanizing, Bigley Technology has analyzed the following two main reasons:

1. The impact of workpiece mixing cycles. During hanging plating, the workpiece is individually and continuously plated, while during barrel plating, the workpiece is concentrated and plated in a timely and discrete state. This process generates a mixing cycle for the workpiece, which is the time when the workpiece turns from the inner layer to the outer layer and then back to the inner layer. Due to the influence of the mixing cycle on the workpiece, the workpiece cannot be plated all the time like the hanging plating. The workpiece can only be plated normally when it is located in the outer layer. Therefore, the plating time of barrel plating is not all effective, and only the time when the workpiece is in the outer layer is effective.

2. The impact of the drum closure structure. During hanging plating, the workpiece is fully exposed and there is no barrier between the workpiece and the anode plate; During barrel plating, the workpiece is relatively closed, the concentration of the plating solution is relatively low, and there is an additional barrier between the workpiece and the anode plate, making the transfer of such materials more resistant than during hanging plating. During the production process, due to the closed structure of the drum, the plating solution inside the drum cannot be replenished in time from the fresh plating solution outside the drum. The metal ion concentration decreases relatively quickly, and the current efficiency of the cathode decreases relatively quickly, resulting in a slower deposition rate of the workpiece coating.

Therefore, the above two points are the reasons why the electroplating time for workpiece barrel plating is much longer than that for hanging plating in the production process where we use electrogalvanizing brighteners. If you are interested in electrogalvanizing brighteners, please contact Bigley Customer Service for free samples and detailed technical information!

If you want to learn more about galvanization, you can click to view the "Electroplating Encyclopedia".