Attention should be paid to the poor adhesion of the workpiece coating during the plastic electroplating process: whether the roughening additive is used correctly

Attention should be paid to the poor adhesion of the workpiece coating during the plastic electroplating process: whether the roughening additive is used correctly

Sat Apr 15 16:38:02 CST 2023

We all know that in the production process of plastic electroplating, the adhesion of the coating is a common phenomenon. Although this phenomenon is often caused by incomplete oil removal on the surface of plastic workpieces, sometimes it is also important to pay attention to whether the roughening additive is used correctly!

Bigley Technology conducted an analysis based on on-site experience and the characteristics of product roughening additives. When the workpiece is not sufficiently roughened, poor adhesion of the coating often occurs on the concave surface of the workpiece. If the coating is peeled off, the plastic surface of these parts will be relatively smooth. The poor adhesion of the coating caused by excessive coarsening of the workpiece mostly occurs at the tip and edge of the workpiece, and the plastic surface of these parts will be relatively rough when the coating is removed.

The method to verify the appropriateness of roughening is to dry the roughened parts under sunlight or in an oven. After several dryings, the surface turns white, and fine powder like substances appear at the tips and edges of the parts. This powder can be wiped away by hand, indicating that these parts have been excessively roughened. The roughening temperature should be reduced or the roughening time should be shortened. If a few areas of the surface of several dried parts turn white, and most of the surface is still the natural color of plastic, it indicates that the coarsening is not sufficient. The coarsening temperature should be increased or the coarsening time should be extended.

So, when using roughening additives, we should choose the appropriate roughing temperature and time. Take a small amount of parts and conduct experiments in batches at different roughening temperatures and times to find the roughening temperature and time when the roughened parts are both hydrophilic and can appear uniformly white on the surface after drying without the presence of powder. If using Bigley's roughening additive, the temperature of the roughening solution should be controlled at 60-75 ℃ and the roughening time should be 6-15 minutes.

Therefore, in the production process of plastic electroplating, the correct use of roughening additives is crucial. The temperature and time of workpiece roughening should be controlled to avoid poor adhesion of the workpiece coating as much as possible. If you are interested in roughening additives, please contact Bigley customer service for free samples and detailed technical information!

If you want to learn more about roughening additives, you can click to view the "Electroplating Encyclopedia".