Alkaline galvanized workpiece coatings are prone to bright and dark surfaces, so try this alkaline galvanized brightener

Alkaline galvanized workpiece coatings are prone to bright and dark surfaces, so try this alkaline galvanized brightener

Tue Aug 16 18:13:50 CST 2022

    Mr. Liu is the owner of a galvanizing factory in Weihai, Shandong. His production line is mainly for galvanizing of hardware.Since the customer's requirements for the workpiece are not high, the appearance quality of the workpiece produced by Mr. Liu using alkaline galvanized brightener is average, but it can barely meet the customer's needs.However, since last month, the coating of Mr. Liu's galvanized workpieces appeared bright and dark, which seriously affected the production quality.

    One day, Mr. Liu found Bigolly Technology when he searched the Internet for "alkaline galvanizing brightener manufacturers" and consulted related products in detail.After understanding Mr. Liu's production process and workpiece quality requirements, the engineer recommended the use of alkaline galvanizing brightener BZ-515.Due to the poor dispersion ability and deep plating ability of some galvanized brighteners on the market, the uniformity of the high and low areas of the workpiece coating is poor.When the concentration of brightener in the plating solution is low or the loading amount is large, the phenomenon of bright side and dark side will appear in the coating.

    Bigolly's alkaline galvanizing brightener BZ-515 has good dispersing ability and deep plating ability, which can increase the loading of the coating, and the coating in the high and low areas of the coating is uniform, and the coating will not appear bright and dark.After considering it, Mr. Liu decided to buy 1 barrel of alkaline plating brightener BZ-515 series products and use them first.

    Mr. Liu opened a small 100-liter tank on the production line and tested it according to the parameters of the manual.It was found that the brightness of the workpiece coating produced by this galvanized brightener BZ-515 is much better than that of the previous brightener.Moreover, the thickness of the high and low areas of the coating is not much different, which can meet the galvanizing requirements of different workpieces of more customers.So, Mr. Liu signed a long-term purchase and sales contract with Bigolly.

    Therefore, when the coating of the workpiece produced by the alkaline galvanizing process is prone to bright and dark surfaces, we may try this alkaline galvanizing brightener BZ-515 from Bigolly.If you are also looking for such an alkaline galvanizing brightener,you may contact Bigolly customer service to obtain free samples and detailed technical information!