• As we all know, in the production process of plastic plating, the colloidal palladium adsorbed on the surface of the plastic workpiece after palladium activation does not have catalytic activity, which is due to its surroundings are wrapped by divalent tin ions, the use of plastic plating accelerator can dissolve the palladium around the divalent tin so that it is exposed to deal with, so that palladium ions will have catalytic activity. So what do we need to pay attention to when we use the plastic plating accelerator?

    Mon Jul 29 08:46:34 CST 2024

  • Electroplated colored zinc passivation process is vital in the corrosion protection of steel and metal products. The passivation process is mainly divided into two types: trivalent chromium passivation and hexavalent chromium passivation, and each of these two technologies has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, a detailed comparison of trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium passivation will be made in terms of the performance of the passivated film layer, production costs and environmental costs, in order to help plating factories to choose the appropriate passivation process!

    Fri Jul 26 08:52:28 CST 2024

  • Trivalent chromium blue and white passivation liquid is widely used in electroplating industry, mainly for passivation treatment after galvanizing process. Its main function is to improve the corrosion resistance of the coating. However, as time goes by, the passivation solution will gradually age. The causes of aging include the accumulation of organic impurities, the composition of the passivation solution is not uniform, the change of pH value, the solution temperature and metal ion pollution. The change of these factors will directly affect the performance of passivation liquid, and then lead to a series of plating failures.

    Thu Jul 25 14:48:41 CST 2024

  • The pH value of Bigely neutral tin plating process is nearly neutral, which is suitable for the plating of materials susceptible to acid, alkali influence or corrosion, such as special glass, ceramic materials as the substrate of the component solderable ends, leads. So, how should we maintain the plating solution in daily production?

    Wed Jul 24 08:56:15 CST 2024

  • Matte tin plating is a widely used electroplating process used to deposit a uniform layer of tin on metal surfaces to provide corrosion protection, increase solderability and enhance appearance. This tin layer has a certain "matte" or "non-glossy" effect, as opposed to shiny tin plating, and is characterized by the following:

    Wed Jul 24 08:14:53 CST 2024

  • In the hard chrome plating process, the dispersing ability of the plating solution plays a vital role in the quality of the plated layer. Dispersing ability refers to the ability of the metal ions in the plating solution to deposit uniformly on the electrode surface. Improving the dispersing ability of the plating solution results in a more uniform and defect-free coating, which improves the wear and corrosion resistance of the parts. The following are some of the main factors that affect the dispersing ability of hard chrome plating solutions.

    Tue Jul 23 08:58:14 CST 2024