5 reasons for preventing pitting of coatings in the production of decorative chrome plating additives

5 reasons for preventing pitting of coatings in the production of decorative chrome plating additives

Sun Oct 09 08:57:55 CST 2022

    In the production process of using decorative chrome plating additives, sometimes the workpiece coating will appear pitting, which will seriously affect the appearance and performance of the workpiece, and also affect the service life of the workpiece.So how can we avoid this phenomenon?

    Bigolly Technology made an analysis based on the field experience and the characteristics of the product decorative chrome plating additives Cr-9,there are mainly the following five preventive measures:

    1. After removing the hard chromium layer, the unqualified workpieces shall be subject to fine grinding and polishing before electroplating.

    2. During the production process, the quality of raw materials shall be well controlled to make the surface of key base materials as smooth as possible.

    3. When grinding the workpiece, the selection of cutting force and oilstone shall be appropriate to avoid crushing the oilstone during processing and causing pockmarks on the workpiece surface.

    4. Anti rust treatment shall be carried out for the workpieces that have not been plated immediately.

    5. When the surface roughness of the workpiece fails to meet the requirements, the current density shall be appropriately reduced during electroplating to reduce the pitting phenomenon.

    Therefore, in the process of using decorative chrome plating additives, we can prevent the workpiece from pitting and reduce the occurrence of faults through the above five preventive measures.If you are interested in decorative chrome plating additives, please contact the Bigolly customer service for free samples and detailed technical information!

    If you want to know more about chromium plating,you can click to view the "Electroplating encyclopedia".